by Brandy Barton and Jeremy Lyons (Collaboratory) 2013

Graduate Service Learning Project

Promotional teaser video for ARTS AND ENGINEERING INCUBATOR proposal.



Collaboratory is a graduate level course in the Master of Applied Arts in Digital Media program. Students seek community/client project needs and fulfill them by creating original media using an integrated team approach. Students must develop a project timeline, practice effective client communication, and demonstrate coordinated team effort.


St. Joseph Creative Accelerator

Currently in research and development, the creative accelerator/incubator concept will place creative people in one location with access to high quality equipment, allowing them to collaborate on business start-ups. Students, engineers, and inventors will be able to design, develop, fabricate, and test projects in applied manufacturing, industrial trades, and art.


Business Incubator Urged for Area (St. Joseph News-Press article)

Incubator Concept Under Study (St. Joseph News-Press article)

Case Study: Columbus Idea Foundry



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